
Prohyas Warrior

Prohyas is the youngest between the two Warrior Siblings, and as such, is one half of the main characters. Compared to his sister, Prohyas is much more easy-going, overall less violent and shows more empathy towards others. He's also shown to be a bit more playful and fun-loving than Vambre, as he prefers using Magiswords with strange and humorous or "doopy" abilities rather than those that intimidate others, often makes up songs, Is a fan of Broccoli Punch, an in-universe superhero character, and gets easily distracted. Prohyas seems to have maternal instincts, as he's shown to care for creatures in need as if he were a mother. He insists that he is very manly, though. He also has a sense of fashion, as he's eager to try on different outfits and clothes as if her were playing dress up and takes extreme care of his hair (which he can instantly grow back if it's damaged) He also loves fast food, especially Slugburger, a fast food restaurant his friend is employed at, but he absolutely hates broccoli, which is ironic, considering his parents are broccoli farmers and they live a Kingdom where the main source of export is broccoli. Nevertheless, Prohyas is still just as proficient in combat and exploration as his sister, though his methods are sometimes the more unorthodox of the two.

Notable Magiswords Prohyas uses are: Dolphin Magisword, his first Magisword ever gifted to him by his mother and doubles as a pet and is referred to as female, and is one of his favorite Magiswords, being extremely protective of her and taking care of her, Excaliburger Magiswords, a sword that shoots out edible burgers that are lifted by propellers (which are also edible). These burgers taste good, but offer no nutritional value according to Vambre. Accordion Magisword, which he seems to always play as it is another one of his favorite Magiswords (I'd even go as far as to say his signature Magisword), and Boulder Magisword, a Magisword that can summon large, almost spherical boulders. The Hoversword he uses has a yellow and turquoise striped pattern, though the middle stripe is zagged, almost like a lightning bolt.

Vambre Warrior

Vambre is the oldest between the two Warrior siblings, and as such, is one half of the main characters. Compared to Prohyas, Vambre is much more aggresive, displaying herself as stricter and more serious, or being much more willing to choose more violent options in certain scenarious. Although she shows these traits, she does display childlike eccentricities, such as being a fan of Piggy-Pie Jones, an in-universe icon with it's target demographic being children, and loves the Veronica Victourious series of books. On the opposite side of things, Vambre has an intense pathological hatred of pants for reasons I don't care to disclose, and a childhood fear of squirrels she hasn't gotten over to this day. Vambre speaks with an inexplicable british accent, despite none of her known family members having one, and despite the fact that the accent is fake. She speaks as if she were high class, using more elaborate vocabulary, wordplay, and grammer, and has a verbal tick, in which she shouts "Och!" when excited or annoyed. Vambre has a strange conscience that is personified as her brain that sounds and acts much different from her, being more cynical and sarcastic. Her "brain" often calls out Vambre's attitude or actions and comments on the situation she witnesses. Vambre to find her "brain" annoying, as she constantly argues with it aloud, much to the confusion and disturbance of bystanders, as it looks like she's talking to no one.

Notable Magiswords Vambre uses are: Tomato Magisword, her first Magisword ever that was gifted to her from her mother. It has the ability the shoot large tomatoes. Oinkus Oinkus Magisword, a sentient sword based on a pig with the power to squeel very loudly, pushing opponents away, and the Electric Eel Magiswords, which can extend and coil around it's victim and electrecute it. The Hoversword she uses has a black, pink, and blue checkerboard pattern.


Grup is a small dragon who is the pet/companion/roomate/friend of the Warriors. He's taken residence in the Warriors for hire headquarters after the Warriors vanquished him from his previouse habitat ("vanquish" as in beating him in one contest. One contest out of at least 164 other contsets). He currently works at The Cave of Stuff, a Level 1 cave where less experienced adventeres go to overcome obstacles and get to the reward at the end. As a dragon, Grup cannot get wet, as being exposed to water for a certain ammount of time is considered deadly, and as such, he occasionally has to molt his skin to clean himself. Grup is a very child like, innocent, and a bit of a dope. He is very kind and has a generally postivie outlook on life, but is easily frightened and worrysome, such as becoming upset when the Warriors fight. He is often seen cleaning the Warrior's HQ, keeping it well kept an organized, and even making food, such as sandwhiches and his World Famouse Grup Soup.

Grup stands at about hip-height to the average human. He has blue and white skin, lightblue eyes, a very large snout with two orange nostrils pertruding, three orange spikes on his back, a long tail, and stuby arms and legs. Grup can retract small wings from his head to fly.

Witchy Simone

Witchy Simone is one of Warriors best friends. She use to go to the same Adventure Academy school as them, but seemingly dropped out for uknown reasons. Becuase of this, she is not considered a legal adventurer, much to her chagrin. As a witch, she has the ability to produce magic and chant spells, and often resides in her apartment to practice her craft, espacially when it comes to her witch's brew. Other than that, she is a fast food worker at Slugburger, formerley as a cashier, and now as a manager. At first, she did not think to highly of her job, as she would rather adventure with or like the Warriors, but over time grew to like it. She occasionally joins the Warriors with their mission, with the Warriors being reluctant to allow her to come along, as while they do know Simone has a lot of potential and are her best friends, she can be very destructive and a hyperactive without the proper guidance, though in spite of this, Witchy Simone does all she can to prove otherwise. Witchy Simone is well meaning, but can be a bit of a "loose screw" for lack of a better term. She can be impatient or loud, being too eager to do things with no regard to what's going on around her, and even act hostile to those she may see as being in the wrong. But above all else, she is always filled with determination, and she is aware of her flaws. Simone has a pet cat named Mascot and a little sister named Witchy Sparkles, who is much more succsesful in life than her and is basically a celebrity.


Noville is the owner of a bookstore named The Printed Page, located in Mount Ma'all, and works there along with his co-woker/employee, Helmut, a very rude and immature frog who used to be a short man. He is very introverted and shy, not taking well to social interaction, and often is in a constant state of apprehension. Otherwise, Noville is very kind and polite, always trying to be as helpful and as friendly as possible and is never shown to be rude or selfish. Noville has crush on Vambre (which Vambre does not know about) but is too scared to admit that he has feelings for her. Prohyas is fully aware of this and supports Noville, often helping him warm up to his sister. Other than that, he is another of one of the Warriors best friends. Noville has a Magisword (chosen by Prohyas to help him impress Vambre) called the Swish Navy Magisword, which has multiple tools and usages, such as a trumpet, a tentachle, a grappling hook, a baseball mitt, and much more, with at least 100 tools within the sword. Noville isn't as expierienced of an adventurer as the Warriors, but often goes on adventures with them to get better.


Morbidia is a witch who works at Witch Way, a rival buisness to Warriors for Hire, along with her sidekick, Gateaux. She is very self centered, sassy, disrespectful, really petty, and pretty much a jerk, always wanting to be the center of attention and believing she's always the best. She displays many theatrics, is a fan of Broccoli Punch, especially the character of Silent Larry, and secretly collects Piggy-Pie Jones figures. Morbidia greatly despises the Warriors and takes every oppertunity to mock them in their face. Sometimes, she and Gateaux go out of their way to sabatoge the Warriors's missions, such as creating a fake Veronica Victorious book to distract Vambre from doing her job, or usurping their mission to themselves and taking all the credit. Morbidia has a quirk about her in which everytime she acts dramatic or calls attention to a word, she makes an exageratted facial expression or an extreme pose for a brief second.


Gateaux is a tailless cat wizard who works at Witch Way alongside Morbidia. While not the friendliest face in Rhyboflaven, most of his more sinister actions are a product of working with Morbidia, as by himself is mostly harmless, even friendly at times. He is usually calm, though a bit aloof, especially when doing Morbidia's work. Like Vambre, Gateaux is a really big fan of Veronica Victorious and often makes fan-fiction regarding the series (fan-fiction which Vambre despises). Gateaux has a trait in which he repeats the last word that Morbidia says, often to puntuate what she says. He sometimes snarks at Morbidia's opinions and argues with her, but has a bit of loyalty to her.
